And, damn it, that's what I did today. I went for a two and a half hour lunch ride today.
It felt great. It was a beautiful day. I first went out for an hour with the advertising staff and then for another hour and a half on my own up Flagstaff Road.
Flagstaff takes you up - as far as I went - about 1200 feet above Boulder. It is still odd to me to see, what seems like, the whole world stretching out in front of you as you climb into the Rockies.
Going back to the East Coast after spending time on the front range is a trip.
Out here, you can see for miles and miles, even on cloudy day, which are few and far between.
However, back east, everything has a pulse. There is trash in alleys and deciduous trees. Not in Colorado; it's wide open and still brown.
It's amazing to see two totally different worlds that are on the same continent.
Today was pretty sweet, and complimented nicely by sunburnt stripes at the top of my tricep, where there was a gap between my arm warmers and my jersey sleeve.