Sunday, February 22, 2009

Coffee Tour - Completed

The Seacoast Coffee Shop Tour was a success.

We rode to 3 states, 10 towns, 6 coffee shops.
We rode 105 miles. 
I peed on the side of the road 4 times.
I bonked before the halfway mark.
I suffered for 4 of the 6 hours we were riding.
I will need at least 3 days to recover from this ridiculous feat.
I have cemented my caffeine addiction.
I did it all on a 44-17 single speed road bike.
I am done with my base miles.

Overall, it was pure sweet hell.
And I will be doing it again when the weather gets better.


Bob T. said...

On your single speed!

I'm proud of you, my boy.

Ryan said...

we should do it again when the weather is really nice!

Anonymous said...
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Ryan said...

You fail to mention three of those pees were in the last 15 miles.

Bella said...

pictures? :)