Friday, May 29, 2009

Shame on you ABC News! Shame!

ABC News is covering the reaction to Supreme Court Nominee Sonja Sotamayor's 2001 comments about old latina women vs. old white men.

ABC News, in their coverage, went to the pot-stirrer Newt Gingrich for a comment.

Well.... not really.

ABC News reported that Gingrich said, " "White man racist nominee would be forced to withdraw. Latina woman racist should also withdraw," Gingrich wrote. "

That's right, they said "Gingrich WROTE." Where, you might ask, did Gingrich write this?


SHAME ON YOU ABC NEWS! Shame on you for being so lazy! Twitter is not a viable source!

That could be anybody! You have no gaurentee that that is the real Newt. Did you confrim this comment? And, if you in fact did confirm this, why did you not just ask him to say it? That would be easy. He, like Rush Limbaugh, loves to spray light fluid on a fire, so why wouldn't he just say it because it would be free press for him.

You should be ashamed of yourself ABC News.
I'm am not going to punish you. I am just disappointed.

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