Thursday, September 11, 2008

some more pictures b-c i have some time

ok, none of these are in a particular order. also, in previous postings of pictures, i tried to write captions right next to the pictures but ended up erasing them (operator error, no doubt).
but Piazza del Popolo is the one with the shiny marble floor.
Piazza Arringo is the one with out the shiny ground.
the water bottle filling from the mega-nipple is in Amalfi Centro.
the one armed lady is in Apollo's temple (?) at Pompeii.
the picture with the blue buses is the street that switchbacks its way down to the sea in Sorrento.
the rest are from Capri; a couple from the boat ride and then a couple from the walk around the island.
and another important note; we have three day weekends during which we dont hae access to the school. so on friday saturday and sunday, blog posts and emails might be hard to come by and or nonexistant. b-c, seriously, that internet point downtown is sketchy.

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