Wednesday, September 3, 2008

un bel giro, un giro eterna!

today was the best day of my life.. so far.

Roberto and i rode for about 2 hours to Offida, Borgo Miriam and Spinetoli then returned to Ascoli. i think he made the mistake (roberto is 52, let me say that) of letting me pull for the first 5 miles and i think worked hin over b-c he didnt really let me pull another time.
but any way...
the terrain here is, i suppose you would call it rolling. but in all respects, it is actually incomparable to home. the hills go up and along ridges, with drop-offs, and ... i am at a total loss for words. if you look at pictures on the internet you can maybe figure it out for yourself.

but never in a thousand years did i think that i would be riding my bike in Italy, with an Italain friend and absorbing all this new cultural stuff. then then sitting in Piazza Arringo eating gelato !!

today was the best day of my life so far! that is all i can say. while Roberto and i were riding, i dont think i really believed what i was seeing. i knew i was riding my bike. i knew i was in italy but those two ideas seemed to be mutually exclusive (?) from eachother. it seemed as if they were two separate things, like train tracks, forever existing together but never touching, and if they did, maybe reality would seize to exist.

the raods, the nice ones, are no wider than Nichols ave. big streets, streets comparable to 108 are highways between towns. oh, and this was fun; one time i was riding south on rt.4 and a car traveling north pulled out into the southbound lane to pass the car in front of it. it felt as though the car was going to run me over, even though i had a good 5 feet of room. now think about the same situation, on 108. a car pulls out to pass a scooter (thank god it was a scooter, smaller than a car) while roberto and i are riding in the opposite direction. WOW! now i am not skittish when it comes to riding in traffic, but that made my heartrate jump about 5 beats (acutally 5 beats, i looked at my HRM).

and there are lots more MTNbikers here than :corsa: (road). Roberto summed it up well while we were standing talkinf to heis friends in Piazza Arringo; road has more men, but mtn has more women. this was while we were standing next to 4 women mtn bikers, two with rings and jewelery and one with an impeccable french manicure.
Scotty sell both you livers if you have to! you have to come here! it is the most beautiful place you will ever see, ride, visit or live in!

i have to check my email now and then go shower.
ciao tutti

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