Tuesday, June 23, 2009

a joke to spice this place up.

A guy moves out to the middle of no where in order to get away from "it all".

He has no neighbors that he can see and is starting to wonder if moving so far away from everyone was a good idea.

The next day, a man comes to his door.

"Hi. I am your nearest neighbor and I live about five miles that way," the man says, as he pionts toward a path.

"Oh, great. I was starting to get a little lonely."

"I came to in invite you to a party that I am having this coming friday," says the neighbor.

"Wow. That's really nice of you. I love to come over."

"Now, I should warn you, there's going to be a lot of music, dancing and drinking," says the neighbor.

"That's not a problem."

"And probably some fighting, too," says the neighbor.

"Oh, well that's OK. I'll just stay out of the way of that."

"And there will definately be some screwing," says the neighbor.

"Well, that's alright. I'm pretty open-minded. This sounds like quite a party. Who all is going to be there?"

"Oh, it's just going to be you and me," says the neighbor.

Thank you Billy for that gem.

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