Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Early starts and useless nights.

It is 9:12 a.m. on Wednesday morning and I have been in the MUB Computer Cluster for nearly two hours, already.
This day is going to be a long, hard slog of border-line acceptable paper writing.

I performed some introspection last night - and no, that does not involve a mirror and a speculum sort of thing. (That's right, I just made a speculum joke. I went there.)

No. Instead, I examined my study habits.

I am useless after 6 p.m. Period, that's all. After I eat dinner and power down for a little while, I am all done. There is no kick-starting me after that. No amount of Hot Start can get me going again.

I always talk about writing papers early but never do it. Then, when it comes time to write these papers, I over-think things and the whole process takes forever.

So, last night I just read and decided to try to get an early start this morning. Hence, being the first person in the computer cluster, and getting a big "Good Morning!" from Big Gene, the room monitor fellow. It was kind of funny because as he greeted me, I noticed that he cast a quick glance around the room. (Yes, Gene, it is 7:37 a.m. and there is a college student about to start working on school work. Believe it.)

So, in order to try to loosen up my writing muscles, I am getting some thoughts out here on the blog. I hope that this little but of writing allows me to find the motivation and inspiration to write a paper about Puritan Gender Roles as portrayed through Captivity and War Narratives as well as Secondary Sources.

Wish me luck.
[This is when you say to your monitor, "Ooh. That poor bastard. Good luck, buddy."]

I'll need all the luck that I can get.

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