Thursday, September 10, 2009

from the Practical Joke File

I was showering this morning and I thought of a great practical joke.

Install a super high-power exhaust fan in your bathroom, right over the shower.
When you have a guest and they are showering and the bathroom is getting all foggy, turn on the fan.

Let me explain how powerful this fan should be. It should be powerful enough to suck the shower curtain right off of the rail. And powerful enough to suck the shampoo suds out of their hair. And powerful enough to suck the washcloth off its hook. And powerful enough to suck the falling water out of the air so that no water hits the tub.

But not powerful enough to inhale your guest because that would probably be considered negligent manslaughter, which is never funny.

Now, let me paint the picture.

"Oh wow, Sylvia. You sure love hot showers. Don't we have great water pressure? It's getting a little foggy in here. Let me turn the fan on for you."

"Oh thanks, Jerry. Yeah, I don't want fog up your walls to badly."

You hit the switch and seek shelter.

Well... I'll let your imagination do the rest.

Have a wonderful day.

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