Wednesday, September 24, 2008

bummed b-c of the language barrier

every day is a new battle around here with this language barrier.
sometimes i think things are going well and then i take a demoralizing blow.

i had tea with Dianna, our multi-talented secratary, yesterday at a local bookstore and we started to chat and then a friend of hers joined us. then i just sat and tried to listen to thier conversation; tried being the opperative word in that sentence.

we still dont have conversation partners. which sucks but i'll tell you a story about that.
on some doors in Ham'Smith there are flyers requesting conversation partners for foreign students at UNH. everytime i walk past them, i thinkto myself, that would be great, i should do that, when i have time...

people are the same the world over. the italians, the young students and young professionals, are just like their peers in the states: they dont even have enough time in their day to wipe thier asses. any one that tells you that the pace in italy or in europe is slower, is full of shit and was definately on vacation when they visited.

Dianna's friend, a different friend from the bookstore, her friend Sara (maybe) said that we could get togehter and caht but that we would need to schedule something, b-c it would be too easy to say "oh maybe tomorrow", for weeks straight.

so thats the deal for today. i just sat in the school allday, mostly in front of this damned computer; looking for flights, hotels, buses,e tc.
when i should have gone for a ride or read more than what i did(my crim.just.course).
but it has been cold and grey here for the last week. about 17-20 degrees C, which is what the Meteo for central italy has been telling me. so i have not been too motivated to ride. i am also denying the fact that i might have to start wearing tights soon! no!

oh well, tomorrows another a day. and a test in italian!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

if you just sit in on conversations, it's going to help. plus you will look like the strong and silent type, if you listen and don't say too much. just keep speaking it. :)