Sunday, December 14, 2008

if youre ok, say sometihng.


i have been home for a little less than a week.
it is weird.
when they described the sensation of reverse-culture shock, i poo- poo-ed it.
"that won't happen. how could that possibly happen."

man, i was wrong. However, it is not bad whereas it is not good.
it is just strange. there is a vauge dreamlike feeling. I tried to describe it to Brian;
It is like a dream, certainly not a nightmare, but it is like returning to a dream that you have had for years and have come to turst. However, you will always kow that it is a dream.
I say this because being home is like a distortion of the reality I have experienced for the last 3 months. I knew home existed. I knew what I would return to, however I trusted my Italian life so thoroughly that I forgot that my other life existed.

Like I said, it is not a feeling that I can articulate completely. I have tried, and I enjoy trying to explain things. Almost like one of those crack-pots that describe wines ("it's chatty but not aggressive", is probably my favorite wine-related description ever, but still...) however, I can not come up with the words or sentiments to accurately describe my thoughts, feelings and emotions with in the first week that I have been home.

I will try to think things over and come up with something. But that might take a while. Maybe, it would be best to let sleeping dogs lie, let my memories live and not try to define something for the fear that giving it words and titles will diminish it.
I will keep everyone posted.

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