Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wendesday worlds recap.

there's not much new to report here. Gigi (short for Luigi) at Dreambike fixed my rig and i was able to go out on the Wednesday Worlds ride. however, 1) i have ridden 3 times inthe last two weeks and 2) i have a mild sinus infection, so i have bad form and it felt like i was breathing thru a straw. also, Il Capo (Frederico) wasnt there so, and there was only four of us, Roberto Guido (maybe the new mayor of Ascoli) and Niccola and me. we did a different route, one with more climbing. i had one good attack then went (i think) completely anaerobic for about two minutes, and fucking blew up all over the place, and got dropped by each successive rider; Roberto went with me when i attacked, then i could nt hold the pace, then Niccola (previously griping about the new course selection) caught me, told me "Andiamo Phil [pronounced FEEL]", then he dropped me, at least Guido (shagged out by spinning class the night before) didnt catch me.
when i caught up to Roberto at the top, i said that we werent friends anymore, and he quickly reminded me, "Inizia tu le guerra!" you started the war!
the rest of the ride was cool, and by cool i mean down hill.

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